Thursday, April 1, 2010

Work of Art

There have many many pictures that Kennedee has painted and even more drawings. She paints whenever she gets the chance and is drawing every time we get in the car. Painting is usually a mixture of paints and her drawings look more like oceans, just waves of black ink. Lately we talk about her drawing "objects" if that even means anything to a four year old. Flowers, people, whatever she wants. Today we ran an errand and of course she wanted to draw. She hands me her paper so I sit it in my lap while I finish a talk with Bret. I look down and see her first drawing of a person!!!! He had arms, eyes, smile and dimples. I am so proud of that little girl. Enjoy her work of art, because it will be on the fridge for a long time and then possible even framed!

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